In response to a difficult job market that has now changed forever, Personal Business Advisors (PBA) created a “Hybrid Model” in recognition of the unique needs of both executives and businesses. This innovative concept supports both growing companies that seek senior-level executive talent (as well as equity partners), and senior level executives who seek interesting career opportunities that provide equity and a six-figure salaried executive position.
The PBA Hybrid model is a unique approach for young companies to attract highly experienced executive talent with the additional benefit of infusing capital into your business. Under this model, PBA Advisors’ conduct a success-only-search for executive talent across the nation that meets your specific requirements. All candidates we present to you for your consideration have been fully educated about this concept, and have indicated that they are financially capable of and interested in making an investment in exchange for an equity position and an executive role in your business.
This Hybrid method offers advantages over other options of fueling growth, including angel and venture capital, especially if the founders are interested in retaining control of their company. This model positions entrepreneurs with the option to allow equity to remain within your business. In addition, the executives we attract are most often willing to work initially for a more modest salary than they have been accustomed to receiving previously because they recognize the long-term upside potential.
All of the executives we present to you are C-level (CEO, COO, CTO, etc.), vice president, or director-level professionals. Our executive candidates typically invest $250K on average in exchange for an equity position in your company along with a six-figure salary and bonus potential.
Please contact me if you are interested to explore having PBA identify prospective executive talent along with addressing the capital funding needs for your business.
Jack Spain