I am pleased to finally announce that my second book, “A
Prescription for SMART Growth for Small to Mid-Size Businesses”, is now
available on Amazon in paperback and
Kindle e-book
The genesis for this book stemmed from an initiative from
our local entrepreneurial support organization, CED, who challenged members to submit a Tweet to their “Start Something, the CED Blog” Twitter Contest. I created a Blog Post on
30-Sep-2010 that included my recommendations for the right strategies and tactics to
grow a business based on my experience over the past several decades
and submitted my tweet.
“A Prescription for SMART Growth for
Small to Mid-Size Businesses” describes several
fundamental characteristics that position businesses to transition from a
start-up phase into a successful mid-size business. The key elements of this
model include leading a business that is Strategy-based,
Market-based, Alignment-based, ROI-based,
and Technology-based. The model also
incorporates fifteen additional building blocks that require appropriate
emphasis at the right time to grow your business successfully along with ten
potential impediments that are illustrated that can potentially derail your
growth trajectory while you are building your business.
Once I completed my blog post, it occurred to me that I
had a decent outline for another book. The obvious challenge for most authors is
where do you find (or make) the time to allocate the many hundreds of hours to
actually conduct the research and pen your advice and guidance. Well, two and
one-half years later, that included many weekends, evenings, vacations, and
holidays, I was able to finally complete and publish this book.
My professional colleague and friend Chris Duke of Anna’s Gourmet
Goodies provided me with creative
direction and tremendous support over the past six months. I am also very
appreciative of several colleagues who invested the time to read my manuscript
and provide me with extremely valuable and constructive feedback.
For anyone interested in taking a peek at this book,
you can visit my SMART Growth
for SMBs website, my Amazon Author page, or the
pages for the paperback and e-book
Of course, if you are inclined to
read this book I welcome your feedback via an Amazon Customer Review.
Thank you for your friendship and support. I have already developed an outline
for my next book and hope that I will be able to announce it before 2015.